The name Eight Streaks is derived from David Garvin(s)Eight dimensions of Quality where we are planning to knot each streak (Lines) of quality as a bundle to come with the cost effective and high quality product or service. Deals into Modular Kitchens, Wardrobes, T.V Units, Crockery units, Cots, Dressing tables, Etc.
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Thursday, 20 December 2012
Tomorrow-21-december-2012-End of the world
The last date in the Mayan calendar and also According to Nostradomus Dec-21-2012 is the last day...
I am really excited to Feel and Experience the end of the world!!!
Lets come together to enjoy our last day....
Most Polluting Vehicles in Hyderabad-R.T.C Buses
Most Polluting vehicles in Hyderabad are government run Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation.
These emit such a smoke causing most Discomfort to the bikers behind the bus and sometimes even causing suffocation and Irritation to skin, and eyes.
Do these vehicles need to undergo Pollution check and Is Proper maintenance is required or Not.
The survey made by some organisation found that the Centers like Panjagutta has less than 2% oxygen available because of Pollution.
Let us Keep Hyderabad Clean,Green, and Free of Pollution.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Interiors In Hyderabad-Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes: 8 Streaks Interiors
Modular Kitchens are Equipped with the pre-manufactured cabinet parts, modular kitchens are simple and look elegant with top notch interior styling and designs. Most of the common modular kitchen features and their accessories in the contemporary kitchens are listed below -
- Cabinets: A cabinet is an important accessory for the present day contemporary kitchen. These different cabinets are exclusively meant for storing containers of different sizes. They do not just increase the storage space, but also help in organizing things in a way that they are not visible, thereby helping the kitchen look neat, organized and spacious..
- Shutters and shelves: Every modular kitchen comes with plenty of shelves and shutters. With the help of shutters, you can stack crockery items like bowls, plates, containers and utensils conveniently.
- Cooker Hoods: You can see cooker hoods in any of these modern kitchens. Cooker hoods are more useful in getting rid of smoke from the kitchen. Since Indian cuisines hold strong aroma of spices, it is advisable to place cooker hoods in almost every Indian kitchen.
- Cooking Range: Cooking units are fixed to granite countertops. These are also available in various sizes that include four as well as two burners.
- Pull out drawers: Pull-out drawers are used to store a variety of food items, spices, utensils, and one must ensure that the modular kitchen that they offer has got these pull-out drawers at all costs. Pull-out drawers help save space and store items while they lie concealed within
Interiors In Hyderabad-Modular Kitchens and Wardrobes-I work as Branch Manager in Largest and Leading Brand in South India with its own Manufacturing Facility.
Why Modular Interiors?
1.Budget : We customize according to your budget
2.Design: Professional Designers to Meet customer requirements and Factory finish
3.We Plan Your Space: Optimum Utililization of Space
4.Service: Designing, Manufacturing, Installation and Post sale service
5.Tension less: We overtake every job and we assure you about our Quality of the Material, On time Delivery and No tension with Carpenter.
- Modular Kitchens
- Study Tables
- Arch
- Office Furniture
- Office workstations
- T.V units Cabinet
- Dressing Tables
- Wardrobes

Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Shame on doctors -Example 2
What a bullshit.
And he appoints his own sub distributor to get the commission on the sale.
Poor people keeping so much hope and trust on these BLOODSUCKERS come for treatment.
Please let us not encourage this type of system.Please be genuine and help others..
Shame on doctors in INDIA-EXAMPLE 1
What the hell is this? First of all...Is he a human being.
What would you expect the punishment for his offence.
I would shoot him to death for playing with the lives of poor and patients, Because lot of complications are involved in unrelated transplants.
But, to our surprise, there was no action taken against him, due to lack of proper evidence and he is Practicing in his own style and in the same Hospital.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Product Training:Know ur product
Its not just about knowing,its about how well you know about it,all dimensions of the product.Its USP, Positioning, Brand elements, Specifications and Product differentiation,Product line and Product depth.
Where is Freedom of Speech and Expression??
Article 19(1)(a) of Indian Constitution says that all citizens have the right to freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of Speech and expression means the right to express one's own convictions and opinions freely by words of mouth, writing, printing, pictures or any other mode. It thus includes the expression of one's idea through any communicable medium or visible representation, such as gesture, signs, and the like. This expression connotes also publication and thus the freedom of press is included in this category. Free propagation of ideas is the necessary objective and this may be done on the platform or through the press. This propagation of ideas is secured by freedom of circulation. Liberty of circulation is essential to that freedom as the liberty of publication. Indeed, without circulation the publication would be of little value. The freedom of speech and expression includes liberty to propagate not one's views only. It also includes the right to propagate or publish the views of other people; otherwise this freedom would not include the freedom of press.
Freedom of expression has four broad special purposes to serve:
1) It helps an individual to attain self-fulfillment.
2) It assists in the discovery of truth.
3) It strengthens the capacity of an individual in participating in decision-making.
4) It provides a mechanism by which it would be possible to establish a reasonable balance between stability and social change.
5) All members of society would be able to form their own beliefs and communicate them freely to others.
But presently what is happening in India? Shutting the mouth of Democracy?
Where are we moving towards?
I was shocked to listen to the news that some of the netizens were arrested for expressing their views or sharing something about someone.
Definitely this is cutting the tongue of Indian Citizens.
2nd Man on MOON-Buzz Aldrin
I was forced to search for the answer, when i was watching the movie 3 Idiots and the questioned was asked by professor virus to students in the movie.
By my curiosity, I found it and Buzz Aldrin was the second man and on july 20 1969 landed on moon after Neil Armstrong.
Controversies in movies
Recently many movies in Telugu are into this category, Cameraman Ganga tho Rambabu, A women in Brahmanism, Denikaina Ready are into controversies.
Are these movies in to controversies because of the mistakes made by the Directors,story writers or dialogue writers or Wantedly they are making controversies to get publicity to the movies or For getting Publicity the group representatives or the political leaders exploit the small issues in the movies to gain the publicity.
Anyhow, there are two sides of the coin for any Issue, But should not affect public Interests and Harmony in the state.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Savitha In Ireland;Really a tragic Incident
The Law in Ireland do not permit abortions,but it Has resulted in the loss of life.Definitely there should be amendment in the law and certain cases which are critical should be left to the Doctors.
However still Investigation is going on about the exact situation, Still Human rights should be respected and protected.
R.I.P Savitha
Monday, 12 November 2012
Study of Blogs-Blogology
Biology-study of Living organisms
Zoology-study of Animals
Herpetology-study of Amphibians
Ornithology-Study of Birds.
I got an I dea of studying Blogs..what do we call the study of Blogs.How Blogs are written and what are the different blog categories, what do they write, how do they write, where is the orgin of the blogs, Uses of Blogs, Disadvantages of Blogging, what is the forst blog written....................etc etc etc.
So I would say Study of Blogs as "Blogology"
Happy Diwali
-Celebrate Diwali with full of Joy, Sweets, Traditional Mouth watering foods and Crackers, But Be safe while Burning Crackers.
-Wear Cotton Clothes
-Do not place all the crackers at same place where there is a chance of catching fire
-Keep all ur pets Inside
-Be aware of small children, Do not let them burn crackers without adult supervision.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
India Today-My Favorite Program-The Outsider-Sebastian
The Outsider-Sebastian
The Program THE OUTSIDER, Definitely my favorite program, the Topics chosen in the program are very relevant to the current situation of India and Host Sebastian I love the way he asks the question.The People in the debate are also Very much relevant, responsible and Knowledgeable Persons and the Best Discussions takes place and Supported by Facts and Figures.Many points that come of the discussion are worth to be noted down and At least we must think on those problems and can do something on it, If is in our Hands.After all India is Nothing But People who are living in India.WE ARE INDIA AND WE ARE RESPONSIBLE.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
MBA-Marketing-What is a Brand?
You get only few of them on top of your mind.If i ask u the
-Milk Brands what is ur answer...Amul, Jersey, Heritge, Tirumala...
-Tooth paste- Colgate, pepsodent....
-Face wash-Ponds, Garnier, Nivea....
-Shoe Brands-Nike, Woodland, Bata, Redtape
So why do we remember only few of the brands....WHAT DO YOU SAY Of "GOOGLE"
Google is just a serach engine but search engine is totally replaced by GOOGLE.We just do googling, ryt??
So the the strength of the brand that is BRAND EQUITY.
Brand is the combination all the brand elements.
Brand elements Includes-
-Brand name
-ad characters etc...
So it is a combination of all these Elements.But the Brand is remembered and will be on the top of the mind of the customers if and only if along with the elements, Brand Positioning is Important and the QUALITY of the Product/Service,Trust and the Relevance of the product in its Use by the customer and the level of Positioning in the Mind of the customer is Important.How well the Brand Message is received as as it is wanted by the Advertiser and Retained in the Customer's Mind.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Saturday, 3 November 2012
LIC Housing loans at lowest Intrest rates-hyderabad-advice from Housing loan expert - Andhra Pradesh, India
NRI Housing loans in Hyderabad and Takeover Loans to LIC
Facebook page
Friday, 2 November 2012
Best Ironical Comment Made by Javed akthar at CNBC IBLA
Really I liked it the most and the javed akthar expressed in such a subtle Humour saying that he do not know about Business much and left Economics, But he is Improving his "English" and has learned the PAST TENSE OF "SCAM" is "SCHEME".
I liked the way he Ironically describes the condition of India,Where every scheme introduced by the government becomes a SCAM.
How much money can a human being spend,how much will he spend on luxuries,All the politicians who involves in scams what do they do with these money???
They die of fear that these scams will be out some day, fear that somebody takes them out some day, finally die with all sorts of Diseases from B.P, Diabetes.Its better to give to the needful and get some happiness out of it.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Hurricane Sandy in U.S and Neelam in India, Are these Signals for the coming Disaster of End of the world.
Neelam caused huge loss to Agriculture sector, all the districts along the coast starting from West godavari, Prakasam ,Nellore and coast of Tamilnadu.One lakh hectares of agricultural land was damaged by the Heavy Rains caused by Neelam in Coastal Region of Andhra Pradesh.
The devastation that is created by these hurricanes is huge for the economy.
In U.S ,The cities New Jersey and New york are in darkness without electricity, Internet and people were asked to store food in advance.In India too, neelam has caused destruction, with heavy winds, rainfall and still going on.
This is all the results of the exploitation of Natural resources and causing the Imbalance in the ecosystem.
Drilling oil into the ocean bed, emission of carbondioxide leading to global warming which in turn leads to melting of glaciers, rising sea level and earthquakes and tsunami.
Yes, these are the signals that world is going to end soon. At least now all the people right from the common man t the presidents and prime ministers of the countries wake up and limit the Exploitation of nature and natural resources.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
October-14 World Arthritis Day
Flagged off by VVS LAKSHMAN.
People walked from people's plaza to Neclace Road railway station.
Doctors has adviced people who attended the walk to walk and move to prevent athritis and Early detection of Athritis is Very much essential to treat it Properly.
LUPUS is another Disease where rhematoid athritis is associated with it.
Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints. A joint is the area where two bones meet. There are over 100 different types of arthritis.
Kims Hospital has organised a WALK in Neclace road for Arthritis walk on the occassion of WORLD ARTHRITIS DAY.
Flagged off by VVS LAKSHMAN.
Arthritis causes joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement. Symptoms can include:- Joint pain
- Joint swelling
- Reduced ability to move the joint
- Redness of the skin around a joint
- Stiffness, especially in the morning
- Warmth around a joint
Signs and tests
The health care provider will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history.The physical exam may show:
- Fluid around a joint
- Warm, red, tender joints
- Difficulty moving a joint (called "limited range of motion")
Blood tests and joint x-rays are often done to check for infection and other causes of arthritis.
Your doctor may also remove a sample of joint fluid with a needle and send it to a lab for examination.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Ten Recently Extinct Animals
Commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger, the Thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times. Virtually wiped out in the wild due to constant hunting (they were thought to be a threat to sheep and other small farm animals) and the encroachment of humans on their already limited habitat the Thylacine was finally recognized as being in danger of becoming extinct in 1936, too little, too late as that same year the last Thylacine, named Benjamin, died on 7 September as the result of neglect — locked out of its sheltered sleeping quarters and exposed to freezing temperatures at night in Hobart Zoo, Tasmania. 60 years on there are still claims of sightings but all are yet to be confirmed.
The Quagga was a southern subspecies of the Plains Zebra. It differed from other zebras mainly in having stripes on the head, neck, and front portion of its body only, and having brownish, rather than white, on its upper parts. The last free Quaggas may have been caught in 1870. The last captive Quagga, a mare, died on 12 August 1883 in Amsterdam Zoo, where she had lived since 9 May 1867. It was not realized that this Quagga mare was the very last of her kind. Because of the confusion caused by the indiscriminate use of the term “Quagga” for any zebra, the true Quagga was hunted to extinction without this being realized until many years later. The Quagga became extinct because it was ruthlessly hunted down for meat and leather by South African farmers, also they were seen by the settlers as competitors, like other wild grass eating animals, for their livestock, mainly sheep and goats.
The story of the Passenger Pigeon is one of the most tragic extinction stories in modern times. As recently as around 200 years ago they weren’t anywhere near extinction. In fact, they were actually the most common bird in North America, and some reports counted single flocks numbering in the billions. Pigeon meat was commercialized and recognized as cheap food, especially for slaves and the poor, which led to a hunting campaign on a massive scale. Furthermore, due to the large size of their flocks, the birds were seen as a threat to farmers. The last Passenger Pigeon, named Martha, died alone at the Cincinnati Zoo at about 1:00 pm on September 1, 1914.
The first record of the Golden Toad was by herpetologist Jay Savage in 1966. The toad, recognized by its brilliant golden orange color, was native to the tropical cloud forests which surround Monteverde, Costa Rica. None have been seen since 1989. It last bred in normal numbers in 1987, and its breeding sites were well known. In 1987, due to erratic weather, the pools dried up before the larva had matured. Out of potential 30,000 toads, only 29 had survived. In 1988, only eight males and two females could be located. In 1989, a single male was found, this was the last record of the species. Extensive searches since this time have failed to produce any more records of the golden toad.
The Caribbean Monk Seal was the only known seal which was native to the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. It is also the only species of seal to go extinct directly due to human causes. The Caribbean monk seal was the first New World mammal to be discovered by Columbus and his company on the coast of Santo Domingo in 1494. It appears in the account of Columbus’ second voyage to America. Columbus promptly ordered his crew to kill eight of the animals, which he called “sea-wolves”, for food, paving the way for exploitation of the species by European immigrants who came in his wake. Since then, the once abundant seals have been hunted for their oil and slaughtered by fishermen, who regarded the animals as competitors. It was officially declared extinct just last year, on June 6th, 2008, although the last recorded account of the species was made at Serranilla Bank between Honduras and Jamaica in 1952. Like other true seals, the Caribbean Monk Seal was sluggish on land. This, along with its lack of fear for man, unaggressive and curious behavior, as well as human hunting, and early habitat exclusion by humans throughout their range may have dramatically speed up their decline and likely contributed to its demise.
The Pyrenean Ibex has one of the more interesting stories among extinct animals, since it was the first species to ever be brought back into existence via cloning, only to go extinct again just seven minutes after being born due to lung failure. The Pyrenean Ibex was native to the Pyrenees, a mountain range in Andorra, France and Spain. The Pyrenean ibex was still abundant in the fourteenth century (Day 1981). The Pyrenean ibex’s population declined due to a “slow but continuous persecution” and disappeared from the French Pyrenees and the eastern Cantabrian mountain range by the mid-nineteenth century. Its situation has been critical since the beginning of the 20th century, when it was estimated that the Pyrenean population in Spain numbered only about 100 individuals. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the population never rose above 40 individuals. In 1981, the population was reported to be 30. At the end of the 1980′s the population size was estimated at 6-14 individuals. The last naturally born Pyrenean Ibex, named Celia, died on January 6th, 2000, after being found dead under a fallen tree at the age of 13. That animal’s only companion had died just a year earlier due to old age.
Although it once roamed throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East, the deep-rooted mythology (once domesticated by the ancient Egyptians as a food source and for sacrificial purposes) which surrounded the animal was not enough to save it from European hunters who began hunting them for recreation and meat. People who resided in Morocco shot these animals for fun, and for hunting, which wiped large herds of them out. Many Hartebeests were captured and were kept alive (e.g. in the London Zoo from 1883 to 1907), but they eventually died out. The last Bubal Hartebeest was probably a female which died in the Paris Zoo in 1923.
Javan Tigers were a subspecies of tigers which were limited to the Indonesian island of Java. In the early 19th century Javan tigers were so common, that in some areas they were considered nothing more than pests. As the human population increased, large parts of the island were cultivated, leading to a severe reduction of their natural habitat. Wherever man moved in, the Javan tigers were ruthlessly hunted down or poisoned. Natives carried much of the hunting out, a surprising thing since they considered the tiger a reincarnation of their dead relatives. The last specimen to have been seen was sighted in 1972, although there is evidence from track counts that the animal had lingered into the 1980’s. The last track counts to yield evidence of the tigers was held in 1979, when just three tigers were identified. The leading cause of their extinction was agricultural encroachment and habitat loss, which continues to be a serious concern in Java.
The Tecopa Pupfish was native in the Mojave Desert, in Inyo County, California, United States of America. This fish subspecies was originally found only in the outflows of North and South Tecopa Hot Springs. It was first described by Robert Rush Miller in 1948. Its decline began in the early 1940s when the northern and the southern spring which were about 10 yards apart were made into canals and bathhouses were build. The popularity of Tecopa Hot Springs in the 1950s and 1960s led to the building of hotels and trailer parks in that area. By 1981 the Tecopa Pupfish was officially delisted by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and it became the first animal which was officially declared extinct according to the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973.
The Baiji population declined drastically in recent decades as China industrialized and made heavy use of the river for fishing, transportation, and hydroelectricity. As China developed economically, pressure on the river dolphin grew significantly. Industrial and residential waste flowed into the Yangtze. The riverbed was dredged and reinforced with concrete in many locations. Ship traffic multiplied, boats grew in size, and fishermen employed wider and more lethal nets. Noise pollution caused the nearly blind animal to collide with propellers. In the 1970s and 1980s, an estimated half of Baiji deaths were attributed to entanglement in fishing gear. Only a few hundred were left by 1970. Then the number dropped down to 400 by the 1980s and then to 13 in 1997 when a full-fledged search was conducted. The dolphin was declared functionally extinct after an expedition late in 2006 failed to record a single individual after an extensive search of the animal’s entire range.
Dont Disturb the Cycle
Man is trying to change all the natural Processes,atleast as a selfish creature he has to think of his own future ans sustainance, should try to maintain the systems which helps atleast do not disturb the processes which directly or has an Instant effect on Mankind.
Man is responsible for extinction of many species in this world and Soon mankind will face extinction if it continues,Because he is disturbing the food web, where the food of One creature is extinct leading to extinction of other.Finally creating large gaps and Great Imbalances in ecosystem.
Human Beings should act wise as most evolved creature on earth.Protect nature,protect ecosystem,protect Human race.
We all know what to do and what not to do.Just we need to follow the cycle AND LET IT RUN.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
India’s coming grave water crisis has a simple, cheap India's water crisis' cheap solution: Waste water recycling solution: wastewater recycling
India’s coming grave water crisis has a simple, cheap India's water crisis' cheap solution: Waste water recycling solution: wastewater recycling. But for private capital to get into this, public policy must challenge perception biases against recycled water.
Where will India get its water from in the coming years? The water challenge is already grave and could get graver. By 2050, for instance, it is estimated that demand would go up to 1,180 million cubic metres, 1.65 times the current levels, a situation that would be made worse by fast dwindling fresh water resources.
That's why desalination — removing salt from seawater to make fresh water — is increasingly catching the fancy of administrators. Two of India's most industrialised states, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, are the keenest among the lot. A water-scarce Tamil Nadu, already running one desalination plant, is working to complete a second plant and planning for the third. Gujarat is also said to have desalination plans.
"The industrial sector's preference toward desalination is expected to increase with the growing demand for processed water. Many of the coastal municipalities are also keenly looking to invest in desalination," says consultancy Frost & Sullivan's environment technologies expert Sasidhar Chidanamarri. India, along with the US and China, is seen contributing quite a bit to a global doubling of desalination capacity between 2010 and 2025, says Frost & Sullivan. Of course, the biggest contributor would be West Asia, which would by then account for half the world capacity.
But the question that experts are increasingly asking, at a time when a draft water policy is being debated, is this: is desalination the best option?
Treating Waste Water
Countries the world over, while being bullish about desalination, are equally bullish about other means, notably waste water recycling. Not India. Only about 31% of municipal wastewater can be recycled. That would be more than 75% in China. In a recent working paper titled "Water Supply in Chennai: Desalination and Missed Opportunities", researcher Sridhar Vedachalam of the New York State Water Resources Institute at Cornell University wrote that "desalination may provide a reliable supply of water to a city with chronic water shortage, but it is hardly the best option for more than one reason".
"Desalination, while being a source of fresh water, does nothing to address the challenge of managing those extra million litres of wastewater," says Vedachalam. "Recycled water, on the other hand, solves the twin problems in a single shot."
When Tamil Nadu launched its first desalination plant in 2010, at Minjur, 27 km from north of Chennai, the benefits seemed apparent. Tamil Nadu's water challenge is historically well chronicled. Now, it houses 6% of the country's population but only has 3% of its water resources. Also, Tamil Nadu gets an annual rainfall of 792 million metres versus the national average of 1,250 million metres. The per capita availability at 800 cubic metres in the state is just a third of the national average.
"Why not go further and pick a more futuristic technology — one that addresses problems of water supply and wastewater management, is ecologically compatible — and lead the way for the rest of the country and even the world. Reuse can be implemented anywhere (not just in coastal areas) and, therefore, has a much bigger market allowing future improvements in technology and reduction in cost," says Vedachalam.
Rs 25/litre Difference
For Sam Yamdagni, managing director of the Indian arm of the $3.8-billion US-based water technology company Xylem, there is no way waste water treatment can be missed. "Even when you are creating water through desalination, you have to look at creating waste water treatment because again you are going to generate waste."
But ecological compatibility isn't the only reason. There's a compelling cost reason favouring waste water treatment.
R Raghuttama Rao, managing director of Icra Management Consulting Services, points out those cases. He says, "Desal is more expensive upwards of Rs 50 per kilo litre compared to Rs 25-35 per kilo litre for recycled sewage. Desal requires more power and is energy intensive."
Chidanamarri estimates the capex for desalination plants to be two-and-a-half times that of a conventional treatment technology. "Clearly, desalination is an expensive proposition. And the government is contemplating to offer tax incentives for industries which would help them in recovering the high costs." (He also points out, though, that improved technologies have over the years brought down the cost of water from desalination.)
Given this, Vedachalam had argued in his analysis, "Reliance on such expensive technology [desalination] does not augur well for a city [Chennai] that already does not collect revenues that match its expenses." A report in 2005 estimated that only a fifth of the water sold in Chennai was metered. The rest of the country may not be vastly different in this respect.
Data supports this view. According to a presentation available on the Ministry of Urban Development Website, the average cost of wastewater treatment is Rs 4.5-6 a kilo litre, and this can be used for agriculture or gardening purposes. If treated for drinking use, the cost does jump to Rs 12 but this is still far less than what metros in India spend to bring potable water to its residents. Here are the numbers: from Rs 20 per kilo litre in Delhi to Rs 40-60 in Chennai.
Perception Problems
The other significant side of the story is India's growing demand for water. Nowhere is this as evident as in the industrial sector, which now consumes about 50 billion cubic metres of water annually. That figure will jump to 120 billion cubic metres by 2025, says Frost's Chidanamarri.
Given this, going in for waste water recycling aggressively should be a no-brainer. But that's not been the case. There's a reason why the actual scope for use of recycled water is far less. "From a mindset perspective, people are more ready to drink desalination water relative to treated waste-water," says Icra's Rao. Rajiv Mittal, managing director of water treatment company VA Tech Wabag, agrees about the mindset issue. "In Singapore, the prime minister of Singapore campaigned for safety of recycled water for drinking and he was the first one to use this." Mittal says in Singapore they call it reusable water, not waste water.
Icra's Rao says indirect potable use (where recycled treated sewage water is pumped into water bodies/river streams which is conventionally treated again) is becoming more popular. Singapore already does this. Bangalore was planning such a project but that has not happened so far, he says.
But the low-hanging fruit in waste water isn't in challenging strong perceptions of the people but actually is in the industrial sector. Already, there are examples of treated sewage being used by industries in India. In Chennai alone, wastewater is supplied to companies such as Madras Refineries, Madras Fertilisers and GMR Vasavi Power for reclamation and reuse.
Thirsty Industry
The industrial potential is already evident through desalination. VA Tech's Mittal knows that well. His company is the one building the second desalination plant in Chennai, some 45 km away at Nemelli. It is eyeing a big opportunity in the desalination space. Between 2005 and 2010, about 63% of the 5.3 lakh cubic metres per day of desalination capacity was accounted for by the industry. The municipal segment accounted for the rest.
He reckons the way to go about it is this: waste water treatment for industrial use and desalination for domestic use. Europe does it well. It recycles about 60% of the domestic sewage generated and it is consumed for non-potable applications such as boiler feed water, cooling tower, landscaping, gardening and flushing.
Anand Chiplunkar, a director of urban development at the Asian Development Bank, says, "Wastewater treatment can generate revenues and thereby not only reduce the operating and maintenance costs but also recover capital costs [when recycled to industries]." Therefore, he says, "it has the potential to attract private sector investments in properly structure projects".
Rao says, "Waste-water recycling would be particularly attractive to address requirements of industrial use, if the demand is concentrated [eg SEZs]." That's one way to meet India's growing water needs.
Source :E.T
Monday, 17 September 2012
Its high time, and we have to wake up and start going GREEN.The level of chlorofluorocarbons, the level of carbon dioxide, the pollution everywhere leading to contamination of each and every thing in our life.
The temparature is rising at an alarming level due to green house gases, leading to warming up of whole earth.
The glaciers are melting leading to the rise of sea levels, submerging Islands and creating unusual environment for the marine life.
The toxin levels of all the contaminants are increasing day by day.
Result of all these is untimely rains, spreading of diseases, cancers, decreased levels of oxygen, depletion of ground water, Ultimately the bad LIVING CONDITIONS and Difficulty for SURVIVAL in the near future.
lets Go Green
So lets go green, let us utilise our electricity wisely and let us put off the fans,lights and AC's when they are not required.In large scale government has to think of developing technologies which substitute the current energy.It must concentrate on technologies which can efficiently make use of RENEWABLE sources of Energy.Let us utilise wind energy, solar energy,lightning,tidal energy, and strict Regulatory norms should not only be formulated but also IMPLEMENTED STRICTLY.
It is also each Individuals responsibility to think of all the problems and try to plant trees and keep ur surroundings clean and Minimise the pollution as far as posssible.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Marketing Strategy-Aircel Unlimited 3G
For example we take RC 197, it is 1GB 3G data and Unlimited 2G.
However, the offer is luring to the customer and most of them do not know wat actually it is.But the good thing is atleast it is giving 1GB of 3G data for just 197 which is 'value for money' and unlimited 2G is also another benefit but we have to compromise on the speed.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Marketing- Instantaneousism Vs Gradualism
In my view it depends on the type of Industry we are in or the kind of situation we are in.Generally the type of decisions we take have a long term effect on our Business.In such a situation, we need to analyse the past records and figures where in the decision should be rational, Because the one instantaneous decision may rise or collapse ur Business.
But in other situations where we need to react so fast and that involves our intitution and especially our Competitors.For example the competitor has suddenly decreased the prices of the product to one tenth.
What will we do??
Do we also decrease it to such an extent???
It all depends on the Indstry we are in.If it is really a competitive industry.we cannot avoid the price reduction but not one tenth i feel,coz we have our own points of difference where we need to focus on.
But i have an example, The Instantaneous decision of TATA DOCOMO when introduced pay per sec calling (1P/SEC) had a revolutuionary effect on the whole Industry.
So the Instantaneous decisions may fetch in short term gains where we need to utilise that short gain and leverage it into long term profits.
and Gradualism is in course of time, we consider the facts and figures and and Impelement the short term strategies to Establish ourselves.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Bike Transfer process from other state to Andhra Pradesh
Firstly I suggest people to sell the bike and get transferred unless you are so attached with your vehicle and going to stay in transferred place for more than 5years.
The process goes like this,
1.Take police clearance form from crime branch from 1st state
2.Take NOC from RTO.
Atleast plan this before a month.coz it takes atleast 1month to go around and sumbit your documents,get verified and Issue NOC.
3.Come to 2nd state, Provide the bills of mode of transport to sales tax depatment and rto in photocopy along with the Invoice of your vehicle, RC, and NOC
4.Pay the commercial tax in sales tax department the road tax in rto.
6.Get your vehicle verified by Inspector in RTO
7.Get his signature on NOC
8.Pay for the new registration number
9.You get your new number after 15 days(they say) but atleast 30-45days.
wasted some valuable 3hrs in watching such Immoral Story.
I dont Understand what the writer or the director wants to show and give a message.
Is it that you can have S** with whomever you want till you get your TRUE LOVE or Does he want to advice girls to have it before marriage or Message to boys that Girl Like MEERA can be easily flirted with some Faltoo words and she falls in love with the boy, eventhough she knows that he sleeps everyday with her Best Friend or Does he want to promote the idea of Threesome.
The Introduction of hero starts with filthy mind with uncontrolled hormones,It doesn't matter to him whether she is air hostess, waiter or even a Beggar!!!!
BUT...There are some aspects where we can Enjoy, the scenic views of Cape town and Cinematography is Good.Songs are good and the potrayal of Friendship and Values is good between Veronica and Meera.
Diana and Deepika acted well in the movie,according to their Roles.
I give 1/5 rating
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Its time for Hyderabadi Haleem!!!!!!
Hyderabadi Haleem's Ingredients:
1kg Mutton-boneless, cubed
1kg Cracked wheat-soaked in water for one hour and drained
1½ cup Yogurt
1 tbsp Ginger-garlic paste
1¼ cup Onions-chopped fine
1 tsp Green chilli paste
2 tsp Green coriander paste
1/4 cup Lemon juice
3-4 Black cardamoms-seeds
1/2 tsp Cinnamon-broken and powdered
1 tsp Chilli powder
1/2 cup Oil
2 tsp Salt
Green chillies and mint leaves for garnish
1) Mix together the yogurt, lemon juice, chilli and coriander paste, cardamom and cinnamon powder, chilli powder, ginger-garlic paste and salt.
2) Marinate the meat in this mixture and leave 3-4 hours. Add enough water to the wheat and cook till tender. When cool enough to handle, blend to a paste in a blender.
3) Heat the oil and add the meat mixture. Turn around over high heat, till opaque.
4) Add water to cover and cook, covered over low heat till tender.
5) Add the wheat paste and continue to cook another 15-20 minutes.